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Game Crazy Bamboo Society Maluku Tradition And The Full Mystical

Bamboo is a versatile plant is known in almost all the countries of Asia and South America as the stems of plants has many uses. Starting from being a raw material for making houses, rafts, ladders, and others. But in Maluku, bamboo is also used as a mystical exciting game. The game "Crazy Bamboo", or Reed Crazy or Bara Suwen is a game that makes players touched the supernatural world.

Maybe you will be wondering, full of curiosity when it witnessed traditional game of this one. How not, a bamboo rod is able to control some of the people who hold them, and even if there were not strong enough to withstand bouncing motion of bamboo. Well, here's one from Maluku traditional games are quite famous and a tourist attraction when visiting the region.

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The objects used in the game is only a piece of bamboo, with a length of about 2.5 m and a diameter of 8 cm. But there are also some areas in Maluku that use percussion instruments in addition to accompany the game. For the bamboo itself, not just bamboo can be used. Only local bamboo area which can be used, and even then had to be done before a special ritual in the selection of bamboo.
To start the show handler burning incense in a coconut shell with a spell in the 'language of the land' which is one of the traditional language of Maluku. Then exhaled smoke of the incense on bamboo sticks that will be used. If using the ginger is chewed by the handler while reciting a mantra and then pumped into the bamboo. Function or ginger incense to call the spirits of the ancestors so give a mystical power to bamboo. The spirits that make bamboo rods as if craze or shaken and the increasingly strong and difficult to control.
Typically, in various attractions that involve hawa mystical, is people who are possessed by a mystical spirit but in this dance called the mystical spirit transferred into the bamboo. When the handler chant repeatedly, the handler then shouted "Crazy, crazy, insane!" Crazy bamboo Things began. The music starts playing when the seven men who hold the bamboo began to feel a jolt of bamboo crazy.
Bamboo seen to move themselves when the handler exhaling smoke and spitting ginger to bamboo sticks.

The men who embrace bamboo began removing their power to control the strength of bamboo shocks. When the rhythm of the music start accelerating, bamboo gain weight and danced with strength in it. Things crazy bamboo swoon ended with the fall of the players in the show ring. The unique thing of this show, crazy bamboo mystical power will not go away before being fed fire burned through the paper.

It is said that once, the rulers of the Sultanate of Ternate utilize Bamboo Gila handler to bring the boat that was created in the mountains, to the coast. Today, in addition to performances, science Crazy Bamboo is used to help move the ship aground. Motion in bamboo dance crazy signifies unity in the community. Compact motion and rhythm is a symbol of the spirit of mutual cooperation.

That is one of the diversity of Indonesian culture and tradition rich in the values ​​of unity and mutual cooperation because essentially game Crazy Bamboo contains philosophy will together bear the same weight and the same lightness in the case, which became the basis of the foundations of public life in our country Indonesia, Awesome ...
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