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Sentani Lake: The lake is Rich Legend and Culture

In the time immemorial, some people ancient of Papua New Guinea to travel long drive a dragon. They are looking for new territory to be occupied and plan settled there.
However, unfortunately dragon that they drive does not able to fly farther and finally fell bolted to a large lake. The dragon eventually die submerged in the lake.
However, not the case with the fate of a few riders the dragon. They survived and stuck on the body parts dragon poking out of the surface of the lake.
Finally, they were stranded in the lake and stay in the body dragon who died. According to legend, head of the dragon be the island in the east side of the lake, the tail into the island on the west side, and the body into the island in the middle and named Island Asei.
The lake is the lake Sentani and until now citizens Sentani believe their origins begins with the story of people Papua New Guinea riding a dragon. Starting from legend riders this dragon, Lake Sentani be a lake are well known in Papua province.
Who are in southern district Jayapura this has an area of 9.360 hectares and depth of 70 meters under the sea level. The area lake which is a single unit with nature reserve Mountains Cycloops has a beautiful scenery and will be full of cultural values. Sentani Lake be one of tourism seed owned Papua. Lake with a view of stunning this covers 24 the village with a variety of art as well as culture of interest to the tourists. In fact, in the opinion of some local residents, handicrafts such as painting bark, and rock paintings including the results of art of the best in all the earth Papua.
Not only culture and arts, Lake Sentani also known for its natural wealth an incredible. Biodiversity in the form of the Tree Matoa, Tree Penang and White Wood be a typical plant which often found around the lake. In addition, the various types of fauna land and water like butterflies, Tilapia, Fish Lohan, and Fish Tawas, widespread in waters around Lake Sentani. In fact, said to Shark Saws fresh water is rumored to extinct, once the animals typical Lake Sentani.

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Conditions tourism of interest is not only stop natural and cultural wealth. A variety of these advantages brought to the level of the further by the Government of the area through the Festival Lake Sentani. The festival held once a year, usually in mid June. Festival commonly held in the region Kalkote, the edge of the lake Sentani presents a variety of cultural arts and local. Residents of which is generally worked as fishermen, making this event as a means of promotion of culture Sentani.
They show dance, handicrafts, even a variety of cultural products other is uniquely and beautiful in the annual festival this. Lake Sentani are in the region Sentani, the district capital Jayapura. This lake can be reached for 15 minutes from the airport Sentani and stretching along the way to the city Jayapura. breeze a cool and tranquility of peace will feel when entering the Lakes region Sentani. In fact, to further fused with nature Sentani Lake, tourists can get around and visit the islands in Lake Sentani with a hire motor boat available. It was, not enough day to enjoy the beauty of Lake Sentani.
But not have to worry, because around the lake and the city Sentani already available inn inn with an affordable price if necessary to stay. Sentani Lake is a beautiful lake which will be full of natural beauty as well as the uniqueness of value of the local culture. After enjoying it, we will be sure how beautiful rich Indonesia this beloved. Awesome Indonesia
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