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Attractions Mount Galunggung West Java

Mount Galunggung - Located in the area of ​​Tasikmalaya, West Java, attractions Galunggung is a natural tourist spot that serves a wide variety of natural beauty ranging from the panoramic mountains, craters, big trees and green, the freshness of the air and amazing sunset views.

Historically, Galunggung first erupted around 1822 which has claimed the lives of more than 4 thousand people and later in 1894 the volcano erupted with casualties between 500 to 1000 people. Until the last occurred in 1982 Mount Galunggung emit lava and ash that reaches approximately 20 kilometers into the air, causing thick gray haze 3 cetimeter the area within 15 kilometers from the center of explosion.

Towards Mount Galunggung

Although the attraction Galunggung very dangerous and still active today, but a lot of local and foreign tourists who come to see its beauty. With public transport or private ride from the town of Tasikmalaya, you can get to the tourist attractions around 2 to 3 hours. This attraction is also close denganwisata hot water contained in Cipanas, so you'll have no trouble to find it.

To enjoy the beauty of the crater of Mount Galunggung, you have to climb about 620 steps that must be very tiring. You also can take a break and take pictures - photos for enjoying the surrounding scenery is very beautiful. Arriving in the area caldera crater of Mount Galunggung, not some far away you will see several waterfalls that adorn the slopes - slopes below. This is an amazing sight, and fatigue will disappear shortly.

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Various Activities Tourism Mount Galunggung

Some activities you can do in attraction Galunggung like fishing in lakes or crater, walk - way to enjoy the beauty of nature, see the sunrise and sunset from the top of the mountain, and enjoy the culinary surrounding communities, but you can not do the swimming activity in the crater , because it is very dangerous and it contains elements - the legendary mystical elements.

If you plan to take a vacation to enjoy the natural beauty and freshness udarannya, attractions Galunggung may be one alternative to your holiday with family or friends - friends with more fun to do. Costs for the trip to this place was quite cheap and affordable for any among local and foreign tourists.

Source: clik here
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