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8 Sea resort in Lampung

One of the interesting holiday destinations in Indonesia is visiting the famous tourist spots in Lampung. Natural objects which have a beautiful panoramic dominate in the area located in the south of the island of Sumatra. If you are visiting from the city, it takes about 4 hours away by assuming time Merak-Bakauheni crossing takes 1 hour by ferry. And if you want a vacation to the fullest and visit all the sights that we convey in this Lampung region, then it is suggested you stay for a week. You are ready to explore the beautiful nature and unforgettable? Please follow the guide below.
As for the interesting objects that you must visit in Lampung region include:
1.Pahawang Island
Object beautiful marine park at this very intriguing sights visitors from both domestic and foreign. This area is located in the district Punduh Pidada Pesawaran District. The island has an area of ​​about 1,084 hectares is divided into two islands, namely the island Pahawang Pahawang large and small islands. Visit the island Pahawang only spent about 1.5 hours drive from the city of Bandar Lampung Ketapang to the dock to board the boat crossing to the island Pahawang large. Available on this island which is quite affordable inn as a place to spend the night before the next morning dive. If you've been to Bali and Senggigi and Gili Trawangan, the beauty of the island Pahawang is similar to places of interest for tourists in the Lombok.
2. Mount Krakatau
The location is attractive and famous tourist spot in Lampung is located in the Sunda Strait. Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1883, and now you can visit is the "son" who each year undergo a change higher. Currently the Mount Krakatau has become a natural conservation area, therefore, to enter the area of ​​Mount Krakatau, you must have permission in advance. This permit can be obtained from Lampung conservation hall. If you do not want to bother, please buy a package tour run travel agents, so that they take care of permits to enter this area of ​​the Krakatoa volcano. In Indonesia, the most active volcano Merapi is located in the region of Yogyakarta and son Krakatau.
3. Pasir Putih Beach
Located about 20 KM from the city of Bandar Lampung, the White Sand Beach is one of the tourist attractions in Lampung most favorite because it is close to the capital, the trip only takes about 20 minutes. White Sand Beach offers captivating views of the sea, and sand beaches clean. Facilities available are shelter, toilets, rinse and motor boats, etc.. The beach is always crowded on holidays. One reason may be because the cost of entry to the beach is very affordable. Activities that can be done in the White Sand Beach is relaxing, swimming, and boating to the island interesting is Lean. We can rent a boat from the White Sand Beach with rental costs are also affordable.
4.Condong Island
Sights that has a full name Condong Sulah Island is located 1 km from the bypass path-Bakauheni Bandar Lampung. The island has a relatively pristine natural potential, the shape of the island such as the cone-like dome where the entire surface of the hill slope and filled coastal forest vegetation, such as merbau trees, hibiscus, ketapan, and so on. The southern part of the island like a split that could be used as a vehicle for rock climbing, hiking and sports that are natural challenges. Around the region Island Sulah Leaning, Leaning Land, Sea Leaning, used where swimming and diving practice. You would like to linger on the lips beaches because the water is very clear, so that marine animals such as small fish can be seen from the surface. Playing on the white beaches and beautiful while accompanied by cool air was no less exciting.
5.Gulf Kiluan
You've visited Lovina beach which became the object of holiday in Bali? The same thing you'll find on most popular tourist attractions in Lampung named Gulf Kiluan. offers the experience of seeing dolphins live in the habitat. The thrill of seeing dolphins in the ocean is very different from when you see the dolphins that have been tamed. The best time to see dolphins in the Gulf Kiluan is April to September which was the dry season. My suggestion, before leaving to become the manager homestay ask about the weather and the presence of dolphins, because of the emergence of dolphins in the Gulf Kiluan naturally heavily influenced by the weather. But if you do not see this cute animal herd, the beauty of the bay with rocks also interesting to visit.

6. Mutun beach and island Tangkil
The location is only about 10 Km from the city center, heading towards the Padang districts Pesawaran Lampung regency mirror. Mutun coast has already completed with a fairly complete accommodation for family tourism, such as: Camping, Boat Cano, Water boom, Banana Boat, and restaurants. If you've reached the beach mutun, should also hire a boat to the island Tangkil, uninhabited islands are beautiful beaches. Mileage coast tangkil mutun Island about 10 minutes away, the boat rental PP range 60 - 100ribu / boat or approximately 10,000 / person, can accommodate 5-10 people / boat. Do not forget to ask the mobile phone number of fishermen who take you, in order to pick up if you want to go home. This technique is similar to one of the tourist attractions in Malangyaitu Sempu island, where the fishermen who escorted us not waiting until the completion of exploration sites.

7.Fishing place at the Kubur Island
This island is actually a huge cluster of coral. The plains of the island is a large rock surrounded by the ocean. Wide reef is only about 5 hectares. There are two parts of the island tomb, on one side there is a beach and the other side there is the towering cliffs overlooking the bay Lampung. If you have a hobby of fishing, the island tomb is one of the best spots for fishing. Due to the existence of the reef is a favorite spot for big fish to congregate. Certainly not the lure of the mainland, because the fishing line can be caught in the reef. Please rent a motor boat to take you not far from the location of the island tomb. Then began to swing the bait lure from a boat motors near the coral around the island.

8. Kalianda region
Attraction beach is the main attraction for South Lampung regency, especially in the area of ​​Trump. The district with the shoreline more than 200 kilometers of this has always been a holiday destination for tourists. Trump promises not only the beauty of the bay beaches, here too there are some attractions that must be visited, such as visiting the National Heroes Cemetery in Radin Inten II, Way Sulfur, Ship Batu Beach, Coastal Canti Beach and Bald Mountain or Coast correspondent. There is also a waterfall or waterfall Way Kalam with seven levels of waterfalls. In addition, tourism in other districts such as Krakatau tour, Trump Resort, Krakatoa, Peacock Beach Belantung, Heat Trump Way, Way Sulfur Simpur, and Laguna Beach Helau.
places to vacation super interesting, is not it? Sightseeing in Lampung that we have to tell you is very worthy of inclusion in the agenda of the visit during the upcoming holiday season. Have a nice holiday.

source: clik here
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